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  • Writer's pictureRob Keating

The Professional Services Content Marketing round-up blog

The Professional Services Content Marketing round-up blog

Why there is a (now increasing) need for businesses to produce authentic, relevant content.

In this content marketing round-up, I have tried to address the above statement, whilst delving a bit deeper into the need that exists for businesses to lead with content.

It is no longer enough to simply put your professional service out there on a website, or rely on traditional means to attract new clients. If you can create engaging content that solves the issues your target market has, or answer their questions (before they’ve asked them), you’re going to win more business and ultimately sell a lot more services.

The following collection of articles, in our content marketing round-up, contains insights from leading authors and publications, who talk about putting together thought leadership and content marketing strategies, particularly in the professional services sector. They also highlight a few differences between the two and debunk a few myths surrounding the topics.

So, without further ado, let’s get into the guts of content marketing and why the need is there. Welcome to the professional services content marketing round-up blog.

The Content in the Content Marketing Round-Up

Using Premium Content to Attract B2B Buyers, by Kelly Waffle, Managing Director of Hinge Research Institute, Lee Frederiksen, PH.D., Managing Partner, Hinge.

This article covers the 9 benefits of professional services firms creating and using premium content to generate and retain new business. But what exactly is premium content and how should it be used effectively?

With the demand for high quality content high, should you be re-thinking your existing content marketing strategy? Here the author looks at some examples and discusses the benefits of going premium.

Content vs Thought Leadership – FIGHT!, by Helen Cox, Helen Cox Marketing.

You know all about content marketing and why it’s good for your business, but what about thought leadership? And what are the differences between the two? Due to their similarities, thought leadership is often confused with content marketing.

Here we delve into the differences, such as how thought leadership happens with you – developing ideas and putting them into place. Content marketing is out in the world – an information-based source of greatness to inspire and educate.

In this thought-provoking article, author Joe Pulizzi looks at whether content marketing is required for professional services firms (hint – the answer is yes!), along with why your content marketing strategy must come before your social media strategy.

He also provides some guidelines to adhere to before you even put pen to paper or mouse to Word doc. Do you know your niche and your target audience? Have you set a budget and what are your measurement indicators? All vital points to consider before jumping in!

Are professional services firms leveraging their content effectively? Often, we find the answer is no. Is this due to a lack of resource to produce engaging content, or is it that they simply haven’t taken the time to map out a comprehensive content marketing strategy?

This informative article spells out three key questions to ask before setting out to create a winning content marketing strategy to take to market.

A vital part of any content marketing strategy is the use of personas. We’re not just talking about a pretty face called Susan who becomes our ideal client. Good personas are borne from deep thinking and will strongly answer and reinforce the ‘Why?’ of all of your marketing activities. It is quite simply the anchor point that every activity will go back to and should be treated extremely seriously.

When building your thought leadership strategy, it can be tough to break through the ‘noise’ and get focused on the task at hand. Once you have your strategy in place, ask yourself ‘who cares about what I say?’. Here Yogesh talks about how you should focus more on imparting knowledge and experience, rather than your own opinions, in order to earn long-term trust and loyalty.

Content Marketing Round-up Conclusion

We do hope that you find the articles gathered thought-provoking and interesting. As advocates for quality marketing content, our aim is to help educate and enlighten you on the need for a great content marketing strategy and have you come away with essential information, tips and tricks to apply to your professional services firm. If you follow the advice contained in the articles in our content marketing round-up, you’ll be well on the way to delivering a successful content marketing strategy.


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